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Data Question

A Data Question is a query, its results, and its visualization.

The query is expressed as an amora.protocols.Compilable, its results is a pandas.DataFrame and the results visualization as an amora.visualization.Visualization.


Lets define a new data question:

from amora.models import select
from amora.questions import question
from examples.models.step_count_by_source import StepCountBySource

def what_are_the_available_data_sources():
    return select(StepCountBySource.source_name).distinct()


The query is accessible through the sql property:

SELECT DISTINCT `step_count_by_source`.`source_name`
FROM `amora-data-build-tool.amora`.`step_count_by_source`


0  Diogo iPhone
1        Mi Fit
2        iPhone


0 Diogo iPhone
1 Mi Fit
2 iPhone
Source code in amora/
class Question:
    A Data Question is a __query__, its __results__, and its __visualization__.

    The __query__ is expressed as an `amora.protocols.Compilable`, its __results__ is a
    `pandas.DataFrame` and the results __visualization__ as an `amora.visualization.Visualization`.

    ## Example

    Lets define a new data question:

    from amora.models import select
    from amora.questions import question
    from examples.models.step_count_by_source import StepCountBySource

    def what_are_the_available_data_sources():
        return select(StepCountBySource.source_name).distinct()

    ### Query
    The query is accessible through the `sql` property:


    SELECT DISTINCT `step_count_by_source`.`source_name`
    FROM `amora-data-build-tool.amora`.`step_count_by_source`

    ### Results


    0  Diogo iPhone
    1        Mi Fit
    2        iPhone

    ### Visualization


    |    | source_name   |
    |  0 | Diogo iPhone  |
    |  1 | Mi Fit        |
    |  2 | iPhone        |

    def __init__(
        question_func: QuestionFunc,
        view_config: Optional[VisualizationConfig] = None,
        if isinstance(question_func, Question):
            question_func = question_func.question_func
        self.question_func = question_func
        self.view_config = view_config or Table(

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.question_func(*args, **kwargs)

    def name(self) -> str:
        Human readable question name. E.g.:

        def what_is_the_most_active_user():

        Would result in the parsed function name:
        "What is the most active user?"

        But if a question has a docstring, it will be used as the question name:

        def question_2():
            What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?
            return select(literal(42))

        "What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?"
        if self.question_func.__doc__:
            return self.question_func.__doc__.strip()

        if self.question_func.__name__ == "<lambda>":
            raise NotImplementedError

        question = self.question_func.__name__.replace("_", " ")
        return question.capitalize() + "?"

    def sql(self) -> str:
        Returns the Question as SQL. E.g:

        SELECT sum(`step_count_by_source`.`value_count`) AS `total`
        FROM `amora-data-build-tool.amora`.`step_count_by_source`
        stmt = self.question_func()
        return compile_statement(stmt)

    @cache(suffix=lambda self: f"{self.question_func.__name__}.{}")
    def answer_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Executes the question against the target database,
        returning a `pandas.DataFrame` as the answer.


           total_in_centimeters  total_in_meters  total_in_kilometers   source_name
        0            93030637.0        930306.37            930.30637  Diogo iPhone
        1           112413129.0       1124131.29           1124.13129        Mi Fit
        2            11644600.0        116446.00            116.44600        iPhone
        result = run(self.question_func())
        return result.rows.to_dataframe(create_bqstorage_client=False)

    def uid(self) -> str:
        return str(hash(self))

    def render(self) -> Visualization:
        Renders the visual representation of the question's answer
        return Visualization(data=self.answer_df(), config=self.view_config)

    def to_markdown(self) -> str:
        return f"""
            ## {}


            ### Answer


    def _repr_markdown_(self):
        return self.to_markdown()

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._repr_markdown_()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Question):
            return False
        return hash(self) == hash(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        code = self.question_func.__code__
        return hash(code.co_filename + code.co_name)

name: str property readonly

Human readable question name. E.g.:

def what_is_the_most_active_user():

Would result in the parsed function name:

"What is the most active user?"

But if a question has a docstring, it will be used as the question name:

def question_2():
    What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?
    return select(literal(42))
"What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?"

sql: str property readonly

Returns the Question as SQL. E.g:

SELECT sum(`step_count_by_source`.`value_count`) AS `total`
FROM `amora-data-build-tool.amora`.`step_count_by_source`


Executes the question against the target database, returning a pandas.DataFrame as the answer.

   total_in_centimeters  total_in_meters  total_in_kilometers   source_name
0            93030637.0        930306.37            930.30637  Diogo iPhone
1           112413129.0       1124131.29           1124.13129        Mi Fit
2            11644600.0        116446.00            116.44600        iPhone
Source code in amora/
@cache(suffix=lambda self: f"{self.question_func.__name__}.{}")
def answer_df(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Executes the question against the target database,
    returning a `pandas.DataFrame` as the answer.


       total_in_centimeters  total_in_meters  total_in_kilometers   source_name
    0            93030637.0        930306.37            930.30637  Diogo iPhone
    1           112413129.0       1124131.29           1124.13129        Mi Fit
    2            11644600.0        116446.00            116.44600        iPhone
    result = run(self.question_func())
    return result.rows.to_dataframe(create_bqstorage_client=False)


Renders the visual representation of the question's answer

Source code in amora/
def render(self) -> Visualization:
    Renders the visual representation of the question's answer
    return Visualization(data=self.answer_df(), config=self.view_config)

Wraps the function into a amora.questions.Question. The decorated function must return a Compilable


def what_are_the_available_data_sources():
    return select(StepCountBySource.source_name).distinct()

Optional data visualization configuration can be passed using the view_config arg:

from amora.visualization import PieChart

@question(view_config=PieChart(values="total", names="source_name"))
def what_is_the_total_step_count_to_date():
    return select(
Source code in amora/
def question(view_config: Optional[VisualizationConfig] = None):
    Wraps the function into a `amora.questions.Question`.
    The decorated function must return a `Compilable`

    def what_are_the_available_data_sources():
        return select(StepCountBySource.source_name).distinct()

    Optional data visualization configuration can be passed using the `view_config` arg:

    from amora.visualization import PieChart

    @question(view_config=PieChart(values="total", names="source_name"))
    def what_is_the_total_step_count_to_date():
        return select(


    def decorator(question_func: QuestionFunc) -> Question:
        q = Question(question_func, view_config=view_config)

        return q

    return decorator

Last update: 2023-11-23